Donate Today

United Conservationists and its Fin Free movement has accomplished so much with your help. And we have added Shark Free—our campaign to remove all shark ingredients from consumer products.

Together we created the “Saving Sharks” PSAs seen by over 2 million people.

• Canada has banned the shark fin trade
• Florida and New Jersey have banned the shark fin trade
• California has banned drift nets
• CITES has added protections for Makos
• The U.S. Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act passed the House a year ago, and we continue to fight for its final vote in the Senate

We continue to research sharks and oceans around the world. Imagine how much more we can do with your donations! THANK YOU!

Donating through the Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation is tax deductible to the full extent of law through United Conservationists, Inc., a U.S. registered 501(c)3 organization and their Fin Free movement.